1 /**
2  * A grid wraps a 2D array to provide specialized grid-based functionality.
3  *
4  * Currently, the only grid type is RectGrid, which can serve as the base for an orthogonal or isometric map.
5  * HexGrid may be added in a later version to support hexagonal maps.
6  *
7  * Authors: <a href="https://github.com/rcorre">rcorre</a>
8  * License: <a href="http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">MIT</a>
9  * Copyright: Copyright © 2015, Ryan Roden-Corrent
10  */
11 module dtiled.grid;
13 import std.range     : only, chain, takeNone, hasLength;
14 import std.range     : isInputRange, isForwardRange, isBidirectionalRange;
15 import std.format    : format;
16 import std.algorithm : all, map, filter;
17 import std.exception : enforce;
18 import dtiled.coords;
20 /// True if T is a static or dynamic array type.
21 enum isArray2D(T) = is(typeof(T.init[0][0]))              && // 2D random access
22                     is(typeof(T.init.length)    : size_t) && // stores count of rows
23                     is(typeof(T.init[0].length) : size_t);   // stores count of columns
25 ///
26 unittest {
27   import std.container : Array;
29   static assert(isArray2D!(int[][]));
30   static assert(isArray2D!(char[3][5]));
31   static assert(isArray2D!(Array!(Array!int)));
32 }
34 /// Convenience function to wrap a RectGrid around a 2D array.
35 auto rectGrid(T)(T tiles) if (isArray2D!T) { return RectGrid!T(tiles); }
37 ///
38 unittest {
39   auto dynamicArray = [
40     [1,2,3],
41     [4,5,6]
42   ];
43   auto dynamicGrid = rectGrid(dynamicArray);
44   assert(dynamicGrid.numRows == 2 && dynamicGrid.numCols == 3);
45   static assert(is(dynamicGrid.TileType == int));
47   char[3][2] staticArray = [
48     [ 'a', 'a', 'a' ],
49     [ 'a', 'a', 'a' ],
50   ];
51   auto staticGrid = rectGrid(staticArray);
52   assert(staticGrid.numRows == 2 && staticGrid.numCols == 3);
53   static assert(is(staticGrid.TileType == char));
54 }
56 /// A grid of rectangular tiles. Wraps a 2D array to provide grid-based access to tiles.
57 struct RectGrid(T) if (isArray2D!T) {
58   private T _tiles;
60   /// The type used to represent a tile in this grid
61   alias TileType = typeof(_tiles[0][0]);
63   /// Construct a grid from a 2D tile array. See rectGrid for a constructor with type inference.
64   this(T tiles) {
65     assertNotJagged(tiles, "RectGrid cannot be a constructed from a jagged array");
66     _tiles = tiles;
67   }
69   /// Number of columns along a grid's x axis.
70   auto numCols() { return _tiles[0].length; }
72   ///
73   unittest {
74     auto grid = rectGrid([
75       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
76       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
77     ]);
79     assert(grid.numCols == 4);
80   }
82   /// Number of rows along a grid's y axis.
83   auto numRows() { return _tiles.length; }
85   unittest {
86     auto grid = rectGrid([
87       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
88       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
89     ]);
91     assert(grid.numRows == 2);
92   }
94   /// The total number of tiles in a grid.
95   auto numTiles() { return this.numRows * this.numCols; }
97   unittest {
98     auto grid = rectGrid([
99       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
100       [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
101     ]);
103     assert(grid.numTiles == 8);
104   }
106   /**
107    * True if the grid coordinate is within the grid bounds.
108    */
109   bool contains(RowCol coord) {
110     return
111       coord.row >= 0           &&
112       coord.col >= 0           &&
113       coord.row < this.numRows &&
114       coord.col < this.numCols;
115   }
117   ///
118   unittest {
119     // 5x3 map
120     auto grid = rectGrid([
121       //0  1  2  3  4 col   row
122       [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], // 0
123       [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], // 1
124       [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], // 2
125     ]);
127     assert( grid.contains(RowCol(0 , 0))); // top left
128     assert( grid.contains(RowCol(2 , 4))); // bottom right
129     assert( grid.contains(RowCol(1 , 2))); // center
130     assert(!grid.contains(RowCol(0 , 5))); // beyond right border
131     assert(!grid.contains(RowCol(3 , 0))); // beyond bottom border
132     assert(!grid.contains(RowCol(0 ,-1))); // beyond left border
133     assert(!grid.contains(RowCol(-1, 0))); // beyond top border
134   }
136   /**
137    * Get the tile at a given position in the grid.
138    * The coord must be in bounds.
139    *
140    * Params:
141    *  coord = a row/column pair identifying a point in the tile grid.
142    */
143   ref auto tileAt(RowCol coord) {
144     assert(this.contains(coord), "coord %s not in bounds".format(coord));
145     return _tiles[coord.row][coord.col];
146   }
148   ///
149   unittest {
150     auto grid = rectGrid([
151       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
152       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
153       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
154     ]);
156     assert(grid.tileAt(RowCol(0, 0)) == 00); // top left tile
157     assert(grid.tileAt(RowCol(2, 4)) == 24); // bottom right tile
158     assert(grid.tileAt(RowCol(1, 1)) == 11); // one down/right from the top left
160     // tileAt returns a reference:
161     grid.tileAt(RowCol(2,2)) = 99;
162     assert(grid.tileAt(RowCol(2,2)) == 99);
163   }
165   /**
166    * Access tiles via a range of coords. Tiles are returned by ref.
167    *
168    * Params:
169    *  coords = A range that yields coords.
170    */
171   ref auto tilesAt(R)(R coords) if (isInputRange!R && is(typeof(coords.front) : RowCol)) {
172     alias GridType = typeof(this);
174     struct Result {
175       private GridType _grid;
176       private R        _coords;
178       ref auto front() { return _grid.tileAt(_coords.front); }
179       bool empty()     { return _coords.empty(); }
180       void popFront()  { _coords.popFront(); }
182       static if (isForwardRange!R) {
183         auto save() { return Result(_grid, _coords.save); }
184       }
186       static if (isBidirectionalRange!R) {
187         auto back() { return _grid.tileAt(_coords.back); }
188         void popBack() { _coords.popBack(); }
189       }
190     }
192     return Result(this, coords);
193   }
195   unittest {
196     import std.range;
197     import std.algorithm : equal;
199     auto grid = rectGrid([
200       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
201       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
202       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
203     ]);
205     auto r1 = chain(RowCol(0,0).only, RowCol(2,2).only, RowCol(2,0).only);
206     assert(grid.tilesAt(r1).equal([00, 22, 20]));
208     auto r2 = grid.allCoords.filter!(x => x.row > 1 && x.col > 2);
209     auto tiles = grid.tilesAt(r2);
210     assert(tiles.equal([23, 24]));
211     assert(tiles.equal([23, 24]));
212   }
214   /**
215    * Get a range that iterates through every coordinate in the grid.
216    */
217   auto allCoords() {
218     return RowCol(0,0).span(RowCol(this.numRows, this.numCols));
219   }
221   /// Use allCoords to apply range-oriented functions to the coords in the grid.
222   unittest {
223     import std.algorithm;
225     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
226       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
227       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
228       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
229     ]);
231     auto coords = myGrid.allCoords
232       .filter!(x => x.col > 3)
233       .map!(x => x.row * 10 + x.col);
235     assert(coords.equal([04, 14, 24]));
236   }
238   /**
239    * Get a range that iterates through every tile in the grid.
240    */
241   auto allTiles() {
242     return tilesAt(this.allCoords);
243   }
245   /// Use allTiles to apply range-oriented functions to the tiles in the grid.
246   unittest {
247     import std.algorithm;
249     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
250       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
251       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
252       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
253     ]);
255     assert(myGrid.allTiles.filter!(x => x > 22).equal([23, 24]));
257     // use ref with allTiles to apply modifications
258     foreach(ref tile ; myGrid.allTiles.filter!(x => x < 10)) {
259       tile += 10;
260     }
262     assert(myGrid.tileAt(RowCol(0,0)) == 10);
263   }
265   /// Foreach over every tile in the grid. Supports `ref`.
266   int opApply(int delegate(ref TileType) fn) {
267     int res = 0;
269     foreach(coord ; this.allCoords) {
270       res = fn(this.tileAt(coord));
271       if (res) break;
272     }
274     return res;
275   }
277   /// foreach with coords
278   unittest {
279     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
280       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
281       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
282       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
283     ]);
285     int[] actual;
286     foreach(tile ; myGrid) { actual ~= tile; }
288     assert(actual == [
289         00, 01, 02, 03, 04,
290         10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
291         20, 21, 22, 23, 24]);
292   }
294   /// Foreach over every (coord,tile) pair in the grid. Supports `ref`.
295   int opApply(int delegate(RowCol, ref TileType) fn) {
296     int res = 0;
298     foreach(coord ; this.allCoords) {
299       res = fn(coord, this.tileAt(coord));
300       if (res) break;
301     }
303     return res;
304   }
306   /// foreach with coords
307   unittest {
308     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
309       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
310       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
311       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
312     ]);
314     foreach(coord, tile ; myGrid) {
315       assert(tile == coord.row * 10 + coord.col);
316     }
317   }
319   /**
320    * Same as maskTiles, but return coords instead of tiles.
321    *
322    * Params:
323    *  offset = map coordinate on which to align the top-left corner of the mask.
324    *  mask = a rectangular array of true/false values indicating which tiles to take.
325    *         each true value takes the tile at that grid coordinate.
326    *         the mask should be in row major order (indexed as mask[row][col]).
327    */
328   auto maskCoords(T)(RowCol offset, in T mask) if (isValidMask!T) {
329     assertNotJagged(mask, "mask cannot be a jagged array");
331     return RowCol(0,0).span(arraySize2D(mask))
332       .filter!(x => mask[x.row][x.col]) // remove elements that are 0 in the mask
333       .map!(x => x + offset)            // add the offset to get the corresponding map coord
334       .filter!(x => this.contains(x));  // remove coords outside of bounds
335   }
337   /**
338    * Select specific tiles from this slice based on a mask.
339    *
340    * The upper left corner of the mask is positioned at the given offset.
341    * Each map tile that is overlaid with a 'true' value is included in the result.
342    * The mask is allowed to extend out of bounds - out of bounds coordinates are ignored
343    *
344    * Params:
345    *  offset = map coordinate on which to align the top-left corner of the mask.
346    *  mask = a rectangular array of true/false values indicating which tiles to take.
347    *         each true value takes the tile at that grid coordinate.
348    *         the mask should be in row major order (indexed as mask[row][col]).
349    *
350    * Examples:
351    * Suppose you are making a strategy game, and an attack hits all tiles in a cross pattern.
352    * This attack is used on the tile at row 2, column 3.
353    * You want to check each tile that was affected to see if any unit was hit:
354    * --------------
355    * // cross pattern
356    * ubyte[][] attackPattern = [
357    *   [0,1,0]
358    *   [1,1,1]
359    *   [0,1,0]
360    * ];
361    *
362    * // get tiles contained by a cross pattern centered at (2,3)
363    * auto tilesHit = map.maskTilesAround((RowCol(2, 3), attackPattern));
364    *
365    * // now do something with those tiles
366    * auto unitsHit = tilesHit.map!(tile => tile.unitOnTile).filter!(unit => unit !is null);
367    * foreach(unit ; unitsHit) unit.applySomeEffect;
368    * --------------
369    */
370   auto maskTiles(T)(RowCol offset, in T mask) if (isValidMask!T) {
371     return this.maskCoords(mask).map!(x => this.tileAt(x));
372   }
374   /**
375    * Same as maskCoords, but centered.
376    *
377    * Params:
378    *  center = map coord on which to position the center of the mask.
379    *           if the mask has an even side length, rounds down to compute the 'center'
380    *  mask = a rectangular array of true/false values indicating which tiles to take.
381    *         each true value takes the tile at that grid coordinate.
382    *         the mask should be in row major order (indexed as mask[row][col]).
383    */
384   auto maskCoordsAround(T)(RowCol center, in T mask) if (isValidMask!T) {
385     assertNotJagged(mask, "mask");
387     auto offset = center - RowCol(mask.length / 2, mask[0].length / 2);
389     return this.maskCoords(offset, mask);
390   }
392   /**
393    * Same as maskTiles, but centered.
394    *
395    * Params:
396    *  center = map coord on which to position the center of the mask.
397    *           if the mask has an even side length, rounds down to compute the 'center'
398    *  mask = a rectangular array of true/false values indicating which tiles to take.
399    *         each true value takes the tile at that grid coordinate.
400    *         the mask should be in row major order (indexed as mask[row][col]).
401    */
402   auto maskTilesAround(T)(RowCol center, in T mask) if (isValidMask!T) {
403     return this.maskCoordsAround(center, mask).map!(x => this.tileAt(x));
404   }
406   /// More masking examples:
407   unittest {
408     import std.array : empty;
409     import std.algorithm : equal;
411     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
412       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
413       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
414       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
415     ]);
417     uint[3][3] mask1 = [
418       [ 1, 1, 1 ],
419       [ 0, 0, 0 ],
420         [ 0, 0, 0 ],
421     ];
422     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(0,0), mask1).empty);
423     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(1,1), mask1).equal([00, 01, 02]));
424     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(2,1), mask1).equal([10, 11, 12]));
425     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(2,4), mask1).equal([13, 14]));
427     auto mask2 = [
428       [ 0, 0, 1 ],
429       [ 0, 0, 1 ],
430       [ 1, 1, 1 ],
431     ];
432     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(0,0), mask2).equal([01, 10, 11]));
433     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(1,2), mask2).equal([03, 13, 21, 22, 23]));
434     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(2,4), mask2).empty);
436     auto mask3 = [
437       [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ],
438       [ 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 ],
439       [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
440     ];
441     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(0,0), mask3).equal([00, 02]));
442     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(1,2), mask3).equal([02, 10, 12, 14]));
444     auto mask4 = [
445       [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 ],
446     ];
447     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(0,0), mask4).equal([00, 02]));
448     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(2,2), mask4).equal([20, 21, 22, 24]));
450     auto mask5 = [
451       [ 1 ],
452       [ 1 ],
453       [ 0 ],
454       [ 1 ],
455       [ 1 ],
456     ];
457     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(0,4), mask5).equal([14, 24]));
458     assert(myGrid.maskTilesAround(RowCol(1,1), mask5).equal([01, 21]));
459   }
461   /**
462    * Return all tiles adjacent to the tile at the given coord (not including the tile itself).
463    *
464    * Params:
465    *  coord     = grid location of center tile.
466    *  diagonals = if no, include tiles to the north, south, east, and west only.
467    *              if yes, also include northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast.
468    */
469   auto adjacentTiles(RowCol coord, Diagonals diagonals = Diagonals.no) {
470     return coord.adjacent(diagonals)
471       .filter!(x => this.contains(x))
472       .map!(x => this.tileAt(x));
473   }
475   ///
476   unittest {
477     import std.algorithm : equal;
478     auto myGrid = rectGrid([
479       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
480       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
481       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
482     ]);
484     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(0,0)).equal([01, 10]));
485     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(1,1)).equal([01, 10, 12, 21]));
486     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(2,2)).equal([12, 21, 23]));
487     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(2,4)).equal([14, 23]));
489     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(0,0), Diagonals.yes)
490         .equal([01, 10, 11]));
491     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(1,1), Diagonals.yes)
492         .equal([00, 01, 02, 10, 12, 20, 21, 22]));
493     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(2,2), Diagonals.yes)
494         .equal([11, 12, 13, 21, 23]));
495     assert(myGrid.adjacentTiles(RowCol(2,4), Diagonals.yes)
496         .equal([13, 14, 23]));
497   }
498 }
500 // NOTE: declared outside of struct due to issues with alias parameters on templated structs.
501 // See https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11098
502 /**
503  * Generate a mask from a region of tiles based on a condition.
504  *
505  * For each tile in the grid, sets the corresponding element of mask to the result of fn(tile).
506  * If a coordinate is out of bounds (e.g. if you are generating a mask from a slice that extends
507  * over the map border) the mask value is the init value of the mask's element type.
508  *
509  * Params:
510  *  fn = function that generates a mask entry from a tile
511  *  grid = grid to generate mask from
512  *  offset = map coord from which to start the top-left corner of the mask
513  *  mask = rectangular array to populate with generated mask values.
514  *         must match the size of the grid
515  */
516 void createMask(alias fn, T, U)(T grid, RowCol offset, ref U mask)
517   if(__traits(compiles, { mask[0][0] = fn(grid.tileAt(RowCol(0,0))); }))
518 {
519   assertNotJagged(mask, "mask");
521   foreach(coord ; RowCol(0,0).span(arraySize2D(mask))) {
522     auto mapCoord = coord + offset;
524     mask[coord.row][coord.col] = (grid.contains(mapCoord)) ?
525       fn(grid.tileAt(mapCoord)) : // in bounds, apply fn to generate mask value
526       typeof(mask[0][0]).init;    // out of bounds, use default value
527   }
528 }
530 /**
531  * Same as createMask, but specify the offset of the mask's center rather than the top-left corner.
532  *
533  * Params:
534  *  fn = function that generates a mask entry from a tile
535  *  grid = grid to generate mask from
536  *  center = center position around which to generate mask
537  *  mask = rectangular array to populate with generated mask values.
538  *         must match the size of the grid
539  */
540 void createMaskAround(alias fn, T, U)(T grid, RowCol center, ref U mask)
541   if(__traits(compiles, { mask[0][0] = fn(grid.tileAt(RowCol(0,0))); }))
542 {
543   assertNotJagged(mask, "mask");
545   auto offset = center - RowCol(mask.length / 2, mask[0].length / 2);
546   grid.createMask!fn(offset, mask);
547 }
549 ///
550 unittest {
551   auto myGrid = rectGrid([
552       [ 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 ],
553       [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ],
554       [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
555   ]);
557   uint[3][3] mask;
559   myGrid.createMaskAround!(tile => tile > 10)(RowCol(1,1), mask);
561   assert(mask == [
562       [0, 0, 0],
563       [0, 1, 1],
564       [1, 1, 1],
565   ]);
567   myGrid.createMaskAround!(tile => tile < 24)(RowCol(2,4), mask);
569   assert(mask == [
570       [1, 1, 0],
571       [1, 0, 0],
572       [0, 0, 0],
573   ]);
574 }
576 private:
577 // assertion helper for input array args
578 void assertNotJagged(T)(in T array, string msg) {
579   assert(array[].all!(x => x.length == array[0].length), msg);
580 }
582 // get a RowCol representing the size of a 2D array (assumed non-jagged).
583 auto arraySize2D(T)(in T array) {
584   return RowCol(array.length, array[0].length);
585 }
587 enum isValidMask(T) = is(typeof(cast(bool) T.init[0][0]))   && // must have boolean elements
588                       is(typeof(T.init.length)    : size_t) && // must have row count
589                       is(typeof(T.init[0].length) : size_t);   // must have column count
591 unittest {
592   static assert(isValidMask!(int[][]));
593   static assert(isValidMask!(uint[][3]));
594   static assert(isValidMask!(uint[3][]));
595   static assert(isValidMask!(uint[3][3]));
597   static assert(!isValidMask!int);
598   static assert(!isValidMask!(int[]));
599 }